2007年8月18日 星期六

10款線上圖片編輯及加料網站     【重灌狂人】

10款線上圖片編輯及加料網站     【重灌狂人】




地球的新鮮事:網路上80個Photoshop最好的文字製作方式 - yam天空部落

地球的新鮮事:網路上80個Photoshop最好的文字製作方式 - yam天空部落


Liquid text Oily text water text
Raindrops text Frost text Snow on text
Ice text Glass text Glass text
Aqua text Plastic text Gel text
Transparent plastic text Plastic text Plastic text
Shiny plastic text Midnight text Tin foil text
Highlighted chrome Chrome text Chrome text
Chrome text Lorelei Gold and ruby text
Gold text Ancient rough gold text Rusty text
Toxic waste text Radioactive Text Grunge text
Grunge rubberstamo text Graffiti text Graffiti text
Watercolor text Flower text Stones text
Chiselled rock text Writing in sand text Neon text
Electric arc text Shocking text Fire flames text
Lava and fire text Light burst text Explosion text
3D text 3D text 3D text
3D text 3D text Superman 3D text
3D chrome text Bling text Chained text
Spikes text Barbed wire text Bladed text
Layered text Wrapped up text Candy text
Photo inside text Furry text Tree with leaves text
Cactus text Cigarette text Cereal box text
Cheetos bag text Jaguar text Halftone text
Combined text Guts text effect Text with blood
Pizza text Strawberry text Jelly text
LCD display text Digital text Laser cut metal text
