2010年7月24日 星期六


更新日期:2010/07/23 06:52 生活中心/綜合報導
一支傳統的家用吹風機,電磁波值可高達200mG以上,而傳統電視機與電腦螢幕,分別約為45mG和 100mG,電磁波量不但低於吹風機,而使用吹風機時,又會比其他家電離頭部更近,所以電磁波對人體的威脅程度更是不言而喻。
傳 統吹風機是高電磁波的家電,在電源開啟和關閉時電磁波量為最大,而且功率越大電磁波也會越大。但目前在上海世博台灣館有展示一支「世博陶瓷吹風機」,將出 口處的電磁波值控制在國際標準2mG以下,而獨特的蜂巢陶瓷發熱技術,也能保持恆溫,不讓秀髮水分會因吹風機不斷升高的溫度而流失。

Qt-interest Archive - Using DLL files

Qt-interest Archive - Using DLL files:

I want to call a dll file within my program so that I can call the functions in it. Please advise me how can i do it. As I am very new to Qt, it will be better if you can provide a simple example as well.

Please advise.
Thanking you in advance.


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Message 2 in thread

human being schrieb:
> Hi,
>   Please advise me how can i do it. As I am very new to Qt,

This has nothing to do with Qt. Read e.g. the docs in the MSDN and the
docs about Visual Studio about creating/linking with DLLs.

In case you're using a *.pro/qmake based build system, you can use
something like win32:LIBS -ltheLib.lib as to link with 'theLib.dll'.
Read the documentation about qmake (it also tells you the switches you
have to set as to create a DLL)

[ signature omitted ]

Message 3 in thread


Thanks a lot for replying!

Do you mean that I just need to change the project file and compile it. Then in my program I can call the functions of the dll file?

Forgive me if that is not what you meant, because I am very new to Qt, and this is my first time dealing with dll files. That is why I may sound stupid.

Please advise.
Many thanks...


Till Oliver Knoll  wrote:
human being schrieb:
> Hi,
> Please advise me how can i do it. As I am very new to Qt,

This has nothing to do with Qt. Read e.g. the docs in the MSDN and the
docs about Visual Studio about creating/linking with DLLs.

In case you're using a *.pro/qmake based build system, you can use
something like win32:LIBS -ltheLib.lib as to link with 'theLib.dll'.
Read the documentation about qmake (it also tells you the switches you
have to set as to create a DLL)

[ signature omitted ]
Message 4 in thread

2010年7月18日 星期日

