2007年8月4日 星期六

科技進步 機器人可聽懂簡單笑話-Yahoo!奇摩新聞

科技進步 機器人可聽懂簡單笑話-Yahoo!奇摩新聞







Microsoft Windows Media - 使用迷你播放器模式

Microsoft Windows Media - 使用迷你播放器模式
  1. 以滑鼠右鍵按一下 Windows 工作列的空白處 (例如系統時鐘下方),指向 [工具列],然後選取 [Windows Media Player]。
  2. 按一下 [最小化] 按鈕。

The Official Site of Major League Baseball: Homepage

The Official Site of Major League Baseball: Homepage

BlogLive上線!Yam天空直攻「直覺式Web 2.0」 (Mr. 6)

BlogLive上線!Yam天空直攻「直覺式Web 2.0」 (Mr. 6)

2007年8月3日 星期五

53個CSS技術網站 - 設計 - 地球的新鮮事

53個CSS技術網站 - 設計 - 地球的新鮮事

1.CSS Based Navigation

2.Navigation Matrix Reloaded

3.CSS Tabs

4.CSS Bar Graphs (CSS For Bar Graphs)

5.Collapsing Tables: An Example

6.Adam’s Radio & Checkbox Customisation Method

7.CSS Image Replacement

8.CSS Shadows (CSS Shadows Roundup)

9.CSS Rounded Corners Roundup (Nifty Corners)

10.Drop Cap - Capital Letters with CSS

11.Define Image Opacity with CSS

12.How to Create a Block Hover Effect for a List of Links

13.Pullquotes with CSS (Automatic Pullquotes with JavaScript and CSS

14.CSS Diagrams

15.CSS Curves

16.Footer Stick allows for the footer of a Web page to appear either at the bottom of thebrowser window or the bottom of the Web page content – whichever is visually lowest.

17.CSS Image Map

18.CSS Image Pop-Up

19.CSS Image Preloader

20.CSS Image Replacement for Buttons

21.Link Thumbnail

22.CSS Map Pop

23.PHP-based CSS Style Switcher

24.CSS Unordered List Calender (CSS Styled Calender)

25.CSS-Based Forms: Techniques

26.CSS-Based Tables: Techniques

27.Printing Web-Documents and CSS

28.Improved Links-Display for Print-Layouts with CSS

29.CSS-Submit Buttons

30.CSS Teaser Box

31.CSS Tricks for Custom Bullets

32.Ticked Off Links Reloaded

33.CSS Zooming

34.Creating a Star Rater using CSS

35.The ways to style visited Links

36.PDF, ZIP, DOC Links Labeling

37.Displaying Percentages with CSS

38.Image Floats without the Text Wrap

39.Let visitors decide, whether or not will they open link in a new window

40.Simple accessible external links

41.Zebra Table with JavaScript and CSS

42.Vertical Centering with CSS (Horizontal and Vertical Centering with CSS

43.Unobtrusive Sidenotes

44.Image Caption with CSS (Styled Images with Caption)

45.Dynamic Piechart with CSS

46.Format Footnotes with CSS

47.Hierarchical Sitemap with CSS

48.Snook’s Resizable Underlines

49.Switchy McLayout: An Adaptive Layout Technique

50.StyleMap: CSS+HTML Visual Sitemap

51.Custom Reading Width

52.CSS Alert Message

53.CSS Production Notes
