Was the Bigfoot discovery a hoax?
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Perhaps not surprisingly, accusations are now surfacing that the North Georgia Bigfoot story is a hoax.
The evidence comes in on two fronts. The first accusation is that the alleged Bigfoot in the picture is actually a Halloween costume available from TheHorrorDrome.com. There are clear similarities, particularly with the nose, a comparison shot to the right.
The second part of the evidence comes with an admitted fraud from the so-called Bigfoot hunters who claimed to have found the body. Matthew Whitton and Ricky Dyer made a video showing a “Dr Paul van Buren” confirming the Bigfoot finding was legitimate, but it turns out the doctor was a fake and Whitton’s brother. They are still claiming that the corpse is real though:
Then there’s the involvement of Tom Biscardi, an active (but never once selected) candidate in the Democratic Party. According to bfro.net, Biscardi is a conman who has peddled a Bigfoot hoax before, and the press release scheduled Friday is a ploy to promote himself and nothing more.
Any so-called finding of Bigfoot, without scientific backup or proof, always sounds dubious, but I guess many of us wanted to believe, at least a little bit. The press conference is scheduled around 12 hours after this post is being written, so I guess we’ll have to wait and see, but certainly the signs aren’t good for it being real.
2008/08/15 04:09
〔編譯陳成良/綜合報導〕傳說中高大多毛的北美洲「大腳怪」(Big Foot)是否存在呢?目前科學家也無法確切回答。不過,兩名美國獵人十三日宣稱,他們約兩週前於美國東南部喬治亞州北邊的森林中,發現一具大腳野人的屍體,並已加以冷凍保存,預定十五日召開記者會,提出DNA及影像「證據」,讓世人共同見證這種傳奇生物確實存在。
兼 差經營探索大腳怪生意的惠頓與戴爾表示,他們找到的大腳怪外觀「半人半猿」,雄性,高兩公尺,重二三○公斤,有一頭紅髮及一雙灰黑色的眼睛,平板足,腳掌 長度達四十一公分,每個腳掌各有五個腳趾,也擁有與人類相似的牙齒。美國科技新聞網站「Inquisitr」搶先公布大腳野人廬山真面目(見圖,取自網 路),照片中可見到一個像巨猿般的大型動物蜷縮在冷凍櫃中。