2010年4月26日 星期一

Hacker Kirllos | ABH News

Hacker Kirllos | ABH News

Russian Hacker trades Facebook accounts

April 24, 2010 By: Hema Manchanda Category: Technology News
Kirllos , a hacker is accused of being responsible for the theft of an unprecedented number of user accounts from Facebook.Researchers from iDefense group, company VeriSign, discovered recently that the hacker sold usernames and passwords on a social networking forum hacking illegal. But what really drew attention was the amount of data that the criminal had for sale: 1.5 million accounts.
The VeriSogn not yet known if the bills sold in the forum are legitimate. Facebook has not commented on the situation. Second statement, if the data are real than Kirllos has the account information of about one in every 300 users of social networking. The price of market sales hacker ranges from $ 25 to $ 45 per thousand accounts, depending on the number of contacts for each user.
According to the intelligence director’s cyber VerigSign, Rick Howard, yet the criminal seems to have sold about 700 000 accounts. “Hackers have sold the credentials of social networks for some time. We have seen an active trade names and passwords for VKontakte Russia, for example. But now the trend is to go behind global goals such as Facebook,” says Howard.
according to security firm virtual, “Facebook has more than 400 million users worldwide. In the case of stroke, criminals send messages from a compromised account, telling friends that the owner is stuck in a foreign country and need money to go home, ”


更新日期:2010/04/26 09:42 記者蘇湘雲/綜合報導
Facebook成立6年,全球會員人數突破4億,台灣會員近900萬人,不斷被點名成為網路詐騙熱門管道,一份網路安全調查報告證實,一 名自稱為Kirllos的駭客竊取了150萬筆Facebook帳號, 並以極低的價格在駭客論壇中兜售。
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據外媒報導,VeriSign旗下網路安全情報機制iDefense發 現,這顯示平均每300名Facebook用戶中,就有一人的帳號被盜取,150萬筆的Facebook帳號的售價是根據使用者聯絡人名單數量,少於10 名友人的1000筆帳號售價為25美元,超過10名友人的1000筆帳號售價為 45美元。
小D:150萬Facebook 帳號被賣!
